Monthly Archives: January 2013

Today’s Scribbling: Novel Rewrites and research

In today’s rewriting, I discovered that I was apparently fine with having two characters use the word “nonetheless” in the space of two lines. The word has since been taken out and shot.

I also did a touch of research and discovered to my relief that forensic pathologists in 1928 could detect morphine. If that had turned out to be wrong, it would have meant some substantial tone shifts for the next few chapters, as the police would have gone from one step ahead to two steps behind. Workable, but tricky.

Today’s Scribbling: Novel Rewrites

You know those days when the words just come pouring out of you, and jump on to the page? The days when you curse your fingers for not moving fast enough to capture what’s dancing through your brain?

Yeah, this wasn’t one of these days. This was a day for grabbing a weak chapter, wrestling it to the ground. and beating it for a while. I think I’ll be coming back to Chapter 9 later, once I have a better idea of what to do with it. For tomorrow, I’ve got Chapter 10…which no longer makes any sense after I got rid of Chapter 1. Bah.

Today’s Scribbling: Novel Work – Starting To Write Myself Out Of A Corner

Just started into a chapter where I realised absolutely none of it as currently written makes any sense, between things I changed in the rewrite, and things that happen later in the book. (There’s foreshadowing there for things that never wound up happening, for starters.) I think this is where I need to pitch out some more of the B-plot complications and shenanigans I’ve been planning, but I’ve got totally the wrong characters here for that. This is going to take some work.